Ear Wax Removal Clinic
Ear wax removal is performed by our Clinical Nurse Specialists- Heather and Bridga, using micro-suction technology.
Ear wax removal is a delicate process, and should only be performed by a trained and qualified individual. Our nurses are highly trained in ear wax removal and practice under the guidance of Dr Niall Jefferson and A/Prof Ryan Winters.
What is micro suction?
Micro suction is an ear wax removal technique that is safe, non-invasive, and pain free.
Earwax occurs naturally and serves a vital function. Occasionally, it can accumulate in the ear canal, leading to hearing impairment or discomfort. For many people, microsuction offers a solution to hearing issues. Accumulated wax can be gently extracted, resulting in immediate relief.
Unlike other wax removal methods such as syringing, which may completely clear the canal, leaving no protective layer, microsuction offers a more controlled approach. This enables the practitioner to remove excess wax while maintaining a necessary level of protection.
Typically, microsuction doesn’t require prior treatment with drops, although using olive oil for 1 or 2 days is generally recommended as optimal preparation.
Who can get it done?
Anyone over the age of 12 years (younger candidates may be suitable following consultation with the nurse via phone)
The procedure is for people who:
- Have impacted ear wax
- Have issues with the ear canal where syringing has been unsuccessful
- Wear hearing aids
- Have narrow or curvy ear canals
- Have an overproduction of ear wax
- Regularly wear in ear headphones
- Work in dusty environments
- Suffer skin conditions such as dermatitis or psoriasis
How much does it cost?
Ear wax removal is $100 for the treatment.
What are the symptoms of wax impaction?
- A feeling of fullness in the ear or ears
- Hearing loss
- Tinnitus (ringing in the ears)
- Itchy ears
- Pain or discomfort
- Odour or discharge coming from the ears
No referral required!
Phone our rooms on 4955 8044 to make an appointment

Appointment Information
Appointment information:
- Multiple appointments may sometimes be required for removal of wax build up.
- Olive oil or baby oil should be used in your ear(s) prior to your appointment to soften the ear wax, and assist in removal.
Ear wax removal cannot be performed if:
- You have a perforated ear drum
- You currently have grommets